Additional Documentation
For various reasons, not all REDUCE packages are fully documented in the main REDUCE manual – often because they are too big. Documentation is available here as PDF files for the following packages:
- ATENSOR: A REDUCE Program for Tensor Simplification
- CRACK: Solving Overdetermined Systems of PDEs or ODEs
- GENTRAN: A Code Generation Package
- SCOPE: REDUCE Source Code Optimization Package
- SUSY2: Supersymmetric Functions and Algebra of Supersymmetric Operators
- TRI: TeX REDUCE Interface
These manuals are mostly quite old and have not all been fully updated for the current version of REDUCE.
Any recent date appearing in them is probably the date when the documentation was formatted,
not the date when it was written or fully updated.
Despite what these documents may imply, the packages should all be pre-compiled
and only need loading in currently distributed versions of REDUCE.
Any references to the REDUCE commands load
or load!-package
should probably be interpreted as load_package