Unix-style Man Pages

When REDUCE is installed on a Unix-like platform (including Cygwin), the following man pages are available. They are also available here via the links below as HTML pages that approximate man page formatting.

Command Description
redcsl Run REDUCE under CSL
redpsl Run REDUCE under PSL
breduce A batch processing facility for REDUCE
redfront REDUCE frontend

The commands redfront, rfcsl and rfpsl all have the same man page, which on Cygwin is only available using the name redfront. The man page for breduce refers to documentation also available here as breduce.pdf.

Microsoft Windows

The commands redcsl, redpsl, rfcsl and rfpsl are available on Microsoft Windows and the Unix-style man pages mostly apply. However, note that the REDUCE bin folder is not automatically added to the execution path, so by default these commands are only available via their full pathnames (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Reduce\bin\redcsl"), and the command redcsl accepts an optional first argument -nocd that causes it to preserve the working directory instead of setting it to the user's Documents folder; see Working Directories.