Appendix C
Changes since Version 3.8

New packages assert bibasis breduce cde cdiff clprl gcref guardian lalr lessons libreduce listvecops logoturtle lpdo redfront reduce4 sstools utf8 with

Core package rlisp Support for namespaces (::)

Default value in switch statement

Support for utf8 characters

in_tex command

Core package poly Improvements for differentiation: new switches expanddf, allowdfint etc (from odesolve)

New operator reimpart

Core package alg New switch precise_complex

Improvements for switch combineexpt (

New command unset

New operators continued_fraction, totaldeg

Improvements to the conj operator, added selfconjugate declaration.

Added complex_conjugates declaration to associate pairs of identifiers as mutual complex-conjugates.

Core Package mathpr New switch unicode_in_off_nat to have unicode characters displayed as such when nat is off.

Core Package solve New boolean operator polyp(p,var), to determine whether p is a pure polynomial in var, ie. the coefficients of p do not contain var.

Core Package matrix New keyword matrixproc for declaration of matrix-valued procedures, and listproc for declaration of list-valued procedures.

Operators now defined in the REDUCE core From changevar: changevar,

From polyrat: divide, pseudo_divide, pseudo_div, pseudo_quotient, pseudo_remainder,

From specfn: Li, Si, Ci, Shi, Chi, Fresnel_S, Fresnel_C, gamma, igamma, psi, polygamma, beta, ibeta, euler, bernoulli, pochhammer, lerch_phi, polylog, zeta, besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk, hankel1, hankel2, kummerM, kummerU, struveh, struvel, lommel1, lommel2, whittakerm, whittakerw, Airy_Ai, Airy_Bi, Airy_AiPrime, Airy_biprime, binomial, solidharmonic, sphericalharmonic, fibonacci,fibonaccip, motzkin, hypergeometric, MeijerG

From limit: limits, limit!+, limit!-,

From taylor and tps taylor, implicit_taylor, inverse_taylor, taylororiginal, taylortemplate, taylorcoefflist, taylortostandard, taylorcombine, taylorseriesp, taylorrevert, ps, psexplim, psordlim, psterm, psorder, pssetorder, psdepvar, psexpansionpt, psfunction, pschangevar, psreverse, pscompose, pssum, pstaylor, pscopy, pstruncate

From fps: fps, simplede, infsum

From compact: compact

From residue: residue, poleorder

From ineq and rsolve: ineq_solve, r_solve, i_solve,

From roots: realroots, isolater, rlrootno, roots, roots_at_prec, root_val, nearestroot, firstroot, getroot, mkpoly, gfnewt, gfroot,

From laplace: laplace, invlap,

From defint: laplace_transform, hankel_transform, y_transform, k_transform, struveh_transform, fourier_sin, fourier_cos,

From arnum: defpoly, split_field

From zeilberg: extended_gosper, extended_sumrecursion, gosper, hyperrecursion, hypersum, hyperterm, sumtohyper, sumrecursion, simplify_gamma, simplify_gamma2, simplify_gamman, simplify_combinatorial,

From trigsimp: trigsimp, triggcd, trigfactorize

From ratint: ratint, log_sum

From odesolve: odesolve, dsolve, root_of_unity, plus_or_minus,

From gnuplot: New operator plot, new commands gnuplot, plotshow and plotreset.

New switches tracefps, zb_factor, zb_proof, zb_trace

Constants now part of the core:
catalan, euler_gamma, golden_ratio, khinchin. Variables as part of the core: gosper_representation, zb_direction, zb_order, zeilberger_representation,

Consistent branch cuts for complex numerical functions.

Package specfn psi (digamma) function can now be calculated numerically for complex arguments.

Package specfn New functions: theta1d, theta2d, theta3d and theta4d — numerical evaluation derivatives of theta functions.

Package specfn Weierstrass, WeierstrassZeta, sigma, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3 and sigma4 — rules and numerical code added.

Package defint Added tracing output printing of which is controlled by the switch trdefint.

TeXmacs interface Print prompt numbers by setting the switch promptnumbers to on by default.

Package excalc New command killing_vector.

Package specfn arcsn, arccn, arcdn, arcns, arcnc, arcnd, arcsc, arcsd, arccs, arccd, arcds, arcdc — rules and numerical code added for inverse Jacobian elliptic funtions, real arguments and values only.

Package ellipfn New package comprising modules: ellipfn, efjacobi, efellint, efjacinv, eftheta and efweier. These are essentially copies of the modules sfellip, sfellipi, sfellipinv, sftheta and sfweier which have been removed from package specfn. Documentation moved into a new user contributed package in ellipfn.tex.

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