9.10 INTERPOL Operator


interpol(\(\langle \)values\(\rangle \),\(\langle \)variable\(\rangle \),\(\langle \)points\(\rangle \));

where \(\langle \)values\(\rangle \) and \(\langle \)points\(\rangle \) are lists of equal length and <variable> is an algebraic expression (preferably a kernel).

interpol generates an interpolation polynomial f in the given variable of degree length(\(\langle \)values\(\rangle \))-1. The unique polynomial f is deļ¬ned by the property that for corresponding elements v of \(\langle \)values\(\rangle \) and p of \(\langle \)points\(\rangle \) the relation \(f(p)=v\) holds.

The Aitken-Neville interpolation algorithm is used which guarantees a stable result even with rounded numbers and an ill-conditioned problem.

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