20.37 MATHMLOM: REDUCE OpenMath/MathML

OpenMath provides extensible standards for representing the semantics of mathematical objects and communicating them between software systems. This package provides commands to translate OpenMath into content MathML and vice versa.

Author: Luis Alvarez-Sobreviela

To use the OpenMath/MathML Interface, the package must first be loaded explicitly by executing the command

     load_package mathmlom;

The following commands translate subsequent input from one standard to the other:


translates OpenMath into MathML;


translates MathML into OpenMath.

Execute one of the above commands, then input one complete expression using the appropriate standard. REDUCE will outputs its intermediate Lisp representation followed by the expression translated to the other standard, and then revert to normal REDUCE input syntax.

Here is a simple example of translating OpenMath into MathML taken from the end of the file mathmlom.rlg. The following input

         <OMS name="rational" cd="nums1"/>

produces the following output:

     Intermediate representation:
     (rational nil 4 2)

        <cn type="rational">4<sep/>2</cn>

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