20 User Contributed Packages

The complete REDUCE system includes a number of packages contributed by users that are provided as a service to the user community. Questions regarding these packages should be directed to their individual authors.

All such packages have been precompiled as part of the installation process. However, many must be specifically loaded before they can be used. (Those that are loaded automatically are so noted in their description.) You should also consult the user notes for your particular implementation for further information on whether this is necessary. If it is, the relevant command is load_package, which takes a list of one or more package names as argument, for example:

        load_package algint;

although this syntax may vary from implementation to implementation.

Nearly all these packages come with separate documentation and test files (except those noted here that have no additional documentation), which is included, along with the source of the package, in the REDUCE system distribution. These items should be studied for any additional details on the use of a particular package.

The packages available in the current release of REDUCE are as follows:

20.1 APPLYSYM: Infinitesimal Symmetries of Differential Equations
20.2 ASSIST: Useful Utilities for Various Applications
20.3 ATENSOR: A REDUCE Program for Tensor Simplification
20.4 AVECTOR: A Vector Algebra and Calculus Package
20.5 BIBASIS: A Package for Calculating Boolean Involutive Bases
20.6 BOOLEAN: A Package for Boolean Algebra
20.7 CALI: A Package for Computational Commutative Algebra
20.8 CAMAL: Calculations in Celestial Mechanics
20.9 CANTENS: A Package for Manipulations and Simplifications of Indexed Objects
20.10 CDE: A Package for Integrability of PDEs
20.11 CDIFF: A Package for Computations in Geometry of Differential Equations
20.12 CGB: Computing Comprehensive Gröbner Bases
20.13 COEFF2: A Variant of the coeff Operator
20.14 CONLAW: Find Conservation Laws for Differential Equations
20.15 CRACK: Solving Overdetermined Systems of PDEs or ODEs
20.16 DESIR: Differential Linear Homogeneous Equation Solutions in the Neighborhood of Irregular and Regular Singular Points
20.17 DFPART: Derivatives of Generic Functions
20.18 DUMMY: Canonical Form of Expressions with Dummy Variables
20.19 EDS: A Package for Exterior Differential Systems
20.20 ELLIPFN: A Package for Elliptic Functions and Integrals
20.21 EXCALC: A Differential Geometry Package
20.22 FIDE: Finite Difference Method for Partial Differential Equations
20.23 GCREF: A Graph Cross Referencer
20.24 GENTRAN: A Code Generation Package
20.25 GRINDER: Calculation of three-loop diagrams in Heavy Quark Effective Theory
20.26 GROEBNER: A Gröbner Basis Package
20.27 GUARDIAN: Guarded Expressions in Practice
20.28 IDEALS: Arithmetic for Polynomial Ideals
20.29 INVBASE: A Package for Computing Involutive Bases
20.30 LALR: A Parser Generator
20.31 LAPLACE: Laplace Transforms
20.32 LIE: Functions for the Classification of Real n-Dimensional Lie Algebras
20.33 LINALG: Linear Algebra Package
20.34 LISTVECOPS: Vector Operations on Lists
20.35 LPDO: Linear Partial Differential Operators
20.36 MATHML: REDUCE-MathML Interface
20.37 MATHMLOM: REDUCE OpenMath/MathML Interface
20.38 MRVLIMIT: A New Exp-Log Limits Package
20.39 NCPOLY: Non-commutative Polynomial Ideals
20.40 NORMFORM: Computation of Matrix Normal Forms
20.41 ODESOLVE: Ordinary Differential Equation Solver
20.42 ORTHOVEC: Manipulation of Scalars and Vectors
20.43 PHYSOP: Operator Calculus in Quantum Theory
20.44 PM: A REDUCE Pattern Matcher
20.45 QHULL: Compute the Complex Hull
20.46 QSUM: Indefinite and Definite Summation of q-Hypergeometric Terms
20.47 RANDPOLY: A Random Polynomial Generator
20.48 RATAPRX: Rational Approximations Package for REDUCE
20.49 RATINT: Integrate Rational Functions using the Minimal Algebraic Extension to the Constant Field
20.50 REACTEQN: Support for Chemical Reaction Equation Systems
20.51 REDLOG: Extend REDUCE to a Computer Logic System
20.52 RLFI: REDUCE LaTeX Formula Interface
20.53 SCOPE: REDUCE Source Code Optimization Package
20.54 SETS: A Basic Set Theory Package
20.55 SPARSE: Sparse Matrix Calculations
20.56 SPDE: Finding Symmetry Groups of PDEs
20.57 SPECFN: Package for Special Functions
20.58 SPECFN2: Package for Special Special Functions
20.59 SSTOOLS: Computations with Supersymmetric Algebraic and Differential Expressions
20.60 SUM: A Package for Series Summation
20.61 SUSY2: Supersymmetric Functions and Algebra of Supersymmetric Operators
20.62 SYMMETRY: Operations on Symmetric Matrices
20.63 TRI: TeX REDUCE Interface
20.64 TRIGD: Trigonometrical Functions with Degree Arguments
20.65 TRIGINT: Weierstraß Substitution in REDUCE
20.66 V3TOOLS: Computations with Polynomials of Scalar Vector Products
20.67 WITH: Local Switch Settings
20.68 WU: Wu Algorithm for Polynomial Systems
20.69 XCOLOR: Color Factor in some Field Theories
20.70 XIDEAL: Gröbner Bases for Exterior Algebra
20.71 ZEILBERG: Indefinite and Definite Summation
20.72 ZTRANS: Z-Transform Package

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