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Authors: Harald Böing and Wolfram Koepf
\( \newcommand {\qphihyp }[5]{{}_{#1}\phi _{#2}\left .\left [\begin {array}{c} #3 \\ #4 \end {array}\right |q,#5\right ]} \newcommand {\qpsihyp }[5]{{}_{#1}\psi _{#2}\left .\left [\begin {array}{c} #3 \\ #4 \end {array}\right |q,#5\right ]} \newcommand {\hyp }[5]{{}_{#1}F_{#2}\left .\left [\begin {array}{c} #3 \\ #4 \end {array}\right |#5\right ]} \newcommand {\fcn }[2]{{\mathrm #1}(#2)} \newcommand {\ifcn }[3]{{\mathrm #1}_{#2}(#3)} \newcommand {\qfac }[2]{\left (#1;\,q\right )_{#2}} \newcommand {\qbinomial }[2]{{\binom {#1}{#2}\!}_q} \)This package is an implementation of the \(q\)-analogues of Gosper’s and Zeilberger’s44 algorithm for indefinite, and definite summation of \(q\)-hypergeometric terms, respectively.
An expression \(a_k\) is called a \(q\)-hypergeometric term, if \(a_{k}/a_{k-1}\) is a rational function with respect to \(q^k\). Most \(q\)-terms are based on the \(q\)-shifted factorial or qpochhammer. Other typical \(q\)-hypergeometric terms are ratios of products of powers, \(q\)-factorials, \(q\)-binomial coefficients, and \(q\)-shifted factorials that are integer-linear in their arguments.
Our package supports the input of the following elementary \(q\)-functions:
Furthermore it is possible to use an abbreviation for the generalized \(q\)-hypergeometric series (basic generalized hypergeometric series, see e. g. [GR90], Chapter 1) which is defined as:
The \(q\)-Gosper algorithm[Koo93] is a decision procedure, that decides by algebraic calculations whether or not a given \(q\)-hypergeometric term \(a_k\) has a \(q\)-hypergeometric term antidifference \(g_k\), i. e. \(a_k=g_{k}-g_{k-1}\) with \(g_{k}/g_{k-1}\) rational in \(q^k\). The ratio \(g_k/a_k\) is also rational in \(q^k\) — an important fact which makes the rational certification (see § 20.46.4) of Zeilberger’s algorithm possible. If the procedure is successful it returns \(g_k\), in which case we call \(a_k\) \(q\)-Gosper-summable. Otherwise no \(q\)-hypergeometric antidifference exists. Therefore if the \(q\)-Gosper algorithm does not return a \(q\)-hypergeometric antidifference, it has proved that no such solution exists, an information that may be quite useful and important.
Any antidifference is uniquely determined up to a constant, and is denoted by
In case, an antidifference \(g_k\) of \(a_k\) is known, any sum \(\sum _{k=m}^n{a_k}\) can be easily calculated by an evaluation of \(g\) at the boundary points like in the integration case:
The \(q\)-Zeilberger algorithm [Koo93] deals with the definite summation of \(q\)-hypergeometric terms \(\fcn {f}{n,k}\) wrt. \(n\) and \(k\):
Despite this restriction you may still be able to get valuable information by the program: On request it returns the left hand side of the recurrence equation (\ref {holonomic_recurrence}) and the antidifference \(\fcn {g}{k}\) of equation (\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}).
Once you have the certificate \(\fcn {g}{k}\) it is trivial (at least theoretically) to prove equation (\ref {holonomic_recurrence}) as long as the input requirements are fulfilled. Let’s assume somone gives us equation (\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}). If we divide it by \(\fcn {f}{n,k}\) we get a rational identity (in \(q^n\) and \(q^k\)) —due to the fact that \(\fcn {g}{k}/\fcn {f}{n,k}\) is rational in \(q^n\) and \(q^k\). Once we confirmed this identity we sum equation (\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}) over \(k\in \mathbb {Z}\):
Note that we may relax the requirements for \(\fcn {f}{n,k}\): An infinite support is possible as long as \(\lim \limits _{k\rightarrow \infty }{\fcn {g}{k}}=0\). (This is certainly true if \(\lim \limits _{k\rightarrow \infty }{\fcn {p}{k}\,\fcn {f}{k}}=0\) for all polynomials \(\fcn {p}{k}\).)
For a quite general class of \(q\)-hypergeometric terms (proper q-hypergeometric terms) the \(q\)-Zeilberger algorithm always finds a recurrence equation, not necessarily of lowest order though. Unlike Zeilberger’s original algorithm its \(q\)-analogue more often fails to determine the recursion of lowest possible order, however (see [PR95]).
If the resulting recurrence equation is of first order
If the resulting recurrence equation has order larger than one, this information can be used for identification purposes: Any other expression satisfying the same recurrence equation, and the same initial values, represents the same function.
Our implementation is mainly based on [Koo93] and on the hypergeometric analogue
described in [Koe95a]. More examples can be found in [GR90], [Gas95], some of which
are contained in the test file qsum.tst
The qgosper
operator is an implementation of the \(q\)-Gosper algorithm.
determines a \(q\)-hypergeometric antidifference. (By
default it returns a downward antidifference, which may be changed by
the switch qgosper_down
; see also § 20.46.8.) If it does not return a
q-hypergeometric antidifference, then such an antidifference does not exist.
determines a closed formula for the definite sum
\(\sum \limits _{k=m}^n a_k\) using the \(q\)-analogue of Gosper’s algorithm. This is only successful if
q-Gosper’s algorithm applies.
Examples: The following two examples can be found in [GR90] ((II.3) and (2.3.4)).
Here are some other simple examples:
The qsumrecursion
operator is an implementation of the \(q\)-Zeilberger algorithm. It
tries to determine a homogeneous recurrence equation for \(\fcn {summ}{n}\) wrt. \(n\) with polynomial
coefficients (in \(n\)), where
There are three different ways to pass a summand \(\fcn {f}{n,k}\) to qsumrecursion
, where f
is a \(q\)-hypergeometric term wrt.
and n
, k
is the summation variable and n
the recursion variable, q
is a
is a shortcut for qsumrecursion(qphihyperterm(upper,lower,q,z,k),
is a similar shortcut forqsumrecursion(f*qphihyperterm(upper,lower,q,z,k),
i. e. upper
and lower
are lists of upper and lower parameters of the generalized
\(q\)-hypergeometric function. The third form is handy if you have any additional
For all three instances the following variations are allowed:
If for some reason the recursion order is known in advance you can specify
it as an additional (optional ) argument at the very end of the parameter
sequence. There are two ways. If you just specify a positive integer,
looks only for a recurrence equation of this order. You
can also specify a range by a list of two positive integers, i. e. the first one
specifying the lowest and the second one the highest order.
By default qsumrecursion
will search for recurrences of order from 1
to 5. (The global variable qsumrecursion_recrange!*
controls this
behavior, see § 20.46.8.)
Usually qsumrecursion
uses summ
as a name for the \(\mathrm {summ}\)-function defined
above. If you want to use another operator, say e. g. s
, then the following
syntax applies: qsumrecursion(f,q,k,s(n))
As a first example we want to consider the q-binomial theorem:
Notice that the input requirements are fulfilled. For \(n\in \mathbb {N}\) the summand is zero for all \(k>n\) as \(\qfac {q^{-n}}{k}=0\) and the \(\qfac {q}{k}\)-term in the denominator makes the summand vanish for all \(k<0\).
With the switch qsumrecursion_certificate
it is possible to get the
antidifference \(g_k\) described above. When switched on, qsumrecursion
returns a list
with five entries, see § 20.46.8. For the last example we get:
Let’s define the list entries as {rec,cert,f,k,dir}
. If you substitute \(\fcn {summ}{n+j}\) by \(\fcn {f}{n+j,k}\)
in rec
then you obtain the left hand side of equation (\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}), where f
is the input
summand. The function \(\fcn {g}{k}:=\texttt {f*cert}\) is the corresponding antidifference, where dir
which sort of antidifference was calculated downward_antidifference
, see also § 20.46.8. Those informations enable you to
prove the recurrence equation for the sum or supply you with the necessary informations
to determine an inhomogeneous recurrence equation for a sum with nonnatural
For our last example we can now calculate both sides of equation (\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}):
Thus we have proved the validity of the recurrence equation.
As some other examples we want to consider some generalizations of orthogonal polynomials from the Askey–Wilson–scheme [KS94]: The \(q\)-Laguerre (3.21), \(q\)-Charlier (3.23) and the continuous \(q\)-Jacobi (3.10) polynomials.
The setting of qsum_nullspace
(see [PR95] and § 20.46.8) results in a faster
calculation of the recurrence equation for this example.
An essential step in the algorithms introduced above is to decide whether a term \(a_k\) is \(q\)-hypergeometric, i. e. if the ratio \(a_{k}/a_{k-1}\) is rational in \(q^k\).
The procedure qsimpcomb
provides this facility. It tries to simplify all exponential
expressions in the given term and applies some transformation rules to the known
elementary \(q\)-functions as qpochhammer
, qbrackets
, qbinomial
. Note that the procedure may fail to completely simplify some
expressions. This is due to the fact that the procedure was designed to simplify
ratios of \(q\)-hypergeometric terms in the form \(\fcn {f}{k}/\fcn {f}{k-1}\) and not arbitrary \(q\)-hypergeometric
E. g. an expression like \(\qfac {a}{-n}\cdot \qfac {a/q^n}{n}\) is not recognized as 1, despite the transformation formula
Note that due to necessary simplification of powers, the switch precise
is (locally)
turned off in qsimpcomb
. This might produce wrong results if the input term contains
e. g. complex variables.
The following synomyms may be used:
or qratio(f,k)
for qsimpcomb(sub(k=k+1,f)/f)
for qsimpcomp(f/sub(k=k-1,f))
The following switches can be used in connection with the QSUM
, default setting is off. If it is turned on some intermediate
results are printed.
, default setting is on. It determines whether qgosper
returns a downward or an upward antidifference \(g_k\) for the input term \(a_k\), i. e. \(a_k=g_k-g_{k-1}\) or
\(a_k=g_{k+1}-g_k\) respectively.
, default setting is on. If it is switched on a
downward recurrence equation will be returned by qsumrecursion
Switching it off leads to an upward recurrence equation.
, default setting is off. The antidifference \(\fcn {g}{k}\) is always a
rational multiple (in \(q^k\)) of the input term \(\fcn {f}{k}\). qgosper
and qsumrecursion
determine this certificate, which requires solving a set of linear equations. If
the switch qsum_nullspace
is turned on a modified nullspace-algorithm
will be used for solving those equations. In general this method is slower.
However if the resulting recurrence equation is quite complicated it might
help to switch on qsum_nullspace
. See also [Knu81] and [PR95].
, default setting is on. The antidifference \(\fcn {g}{k}\) which
is determined by qgosper
might not be unique. If this switch is turned on,
just one special solution is returned. If you want to see all solutions, you
should turn the switch off.
, default setting is off. This switch determines if the
coefficients of the resulting recurrence equation should be factored. Turning
it off might speed up the calculation (if factoring is complicated). Note
that when turning on qsum_nullspace
usually no speedup occurs by
switching qsumrecursion_exp
, default off. As Zeilberger’s algorithm
delivers a recurrence equation for a \(q\)-hypergeometric term \(\mathrm {f}(n,k)\), see equation
(\ref {eq:f_n_k-recursion}), this switch is used to get all necessary informations for proving this
recurrence equation.
If it is set on, instead of simply returning the resulting recurrence equation
(for the sum)—if one exists—calling qsumrecursion
returns a list
with five items: The first entry contains the
recurrence equation, while the other items enable you to prove the recurrence
a posteriori by rational arithmetic.
If we denote by r
the recurrence rec
where we substituted the
-function by the input term
textttf (with the corresponding shifts in n
) then
the following equation is valid:
or dir=upward_antidifference
.The global variable qsumrecursion_recrange!*
controls for which recursion
orders the procedure qsumrecursion
looks. It has to be a list with two entries, the
first one representing the lowest and the second one the highest order of a recursion to
search for. By default it is set to {1,5}
The following messages may occur:
If your call to qgosper
or qsumrecursion
reveals some incorrect syntax,
e. g. wrong number of arguments or wrong type you may receive the following
***** Wrong number of arguments.
***** Wrong type of arguments.
If you call qgosper
with a summand term that is free of the summation variable you
WARNING: Summand is independent of summation variable. ***** No q-hypergeometric antidifference exists.
If qgosper
finds no antidifference it returns:
***** No q-hypergeometric antidifference exists.
If qsumrecursion
finds no recursion in the specified range it returns:
***** Found no recursion. Use higher order.
(If you do not pass a range as an argument to qsumrecursion
the default range in
will be used.)
If the input term passed to qgosper
) is not \(q\)-hypergeometric
wrt. the summation variable — say \(k\) — (and the recursion variable) then you
***** Input term is probably not q-hypergeometric.
With all the examples we tested, our procedures decided properly whether the input
term was \(q\)-hypergeometric or not. However, we cannot guarantee in general that
always returns an expression that looks rational in \(q^k\) if it actually
If the global variable qsumrecursion_recrange!*
was assigned an invalid
Global variable qsumrecursion_recrange!* must be a list of two positive integers: {lo,hi} with lo<=hi. ***** Invalid value of qsumrecursion_recrange!*
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