20.61 SUSY2: Supersymmetric Functions and Algebra of Supersymmetric Operators

This package deals with supersymmetric functions and with the algebra of supersymmetric operators in the extended \(N=2\) as well as in the nonextended \(N=1\) supersymmery. It allows us to realize the SuSy algebra of diļ¬€erential operators, compute the gradients of given SuSy Hamiltonians and obtain the SuSy version of soliton equations using the SuSy Lax approach. There are also many additional procedures encountered in the SuSy soliton approach, as for example: conjugation of a given SuSy operator, computation of the general form of SuSy Hamiltonians (up to SuSy-divergence equivalence), and checking the validity of the Jacobi identity for SuSy Hamiltonian operators.

Author: Ziemowit Popowicz

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